The 10 Best Vegetables for Warm Climate Gardens
Growing vegetables is both satisfying and healthy. In a warm climate you need to select appropriate plants, but there is plenty for you to choose from. With shade and water, you can be even more adventurous with what you choose to grow.
The best vegetables to grow are those that will reliably produce good yield in your climate. You should understand your own local conditions and observe what other people in your area are growing successfully. You should consider yield, taste, cooking utility, disease resistance, general hardiness, and time to maturity.
Cucumber (Cucumis sativus)

Cucumber can provide a bumper yield. Grow it on a trellis or let it sprawl on the ground, just keep the water consistent to avoid it turning bitter.
Bonus Tip: Pick frequently to promote more fruiting.
Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus)
Okra germinates reliably from seed – you can start straight in soil unless you have a strong reason to germinate in trays. Highly tolerant of heat and drought, okra is really easy to grow.
Picking okra promotes more flowers/fruiting. You will need to pick twice a day in any case – the fruit grows so fast and the smaller ones taste better.
Daikon Radish (Raphanus sativus var. longipinnatus)

Daikon is a variety (longipinnatus) of White Radish (Raphanus sativus). Reliable germination, easy to grow, and aerates the soil of your home garden.
Peppers (Capsicum, various species)
Bell peppers, chili, jalapenos, so many colors, sizes and tastes from the capsicum genus.
Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum)

Tomato is a celebrated staple of the home garden.
Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas)
Regular potatoes struggle in warmer climates. If you want some root vegetables. try sweet potato instead.
Yardlong Beans (Vigna unguiculata)
Cooked or chopped raw for salad, yardlong beans will enhance your cooking. Grow on a trellis, bamboo poles, dead okra plants, anything.
Zucchini (Cucurbita pepo)

Zucchini is simply a variety of the squash species. It grows conveniently in compact vines.
The flowers can be eaten. It is best to harvest the male flowers for this purpose as they do not produce fruit and are not required to pollinate the female flowers.
Eggplant / Aubergine (Solanum melongena)

Eggplant / Aubergine comes in a variety of colors and shapes. Modern cultivars have a mild taste, a good addition to the home garden.
Pumpkin (Cucurbita, various species)

If you have the space, a pumpkin vine can produce a lot of food.
Pumpkins grow really well out of compost piles. If you are composting kitchen scraps you, nature often returns the favor with self-seeding pumpkins.